Supporting owners with discounted behaviour training

If you are looking for help with your dog’s training or behaviour, and need some financial assistance, please apply for our discounted classes.

Dog walking with Dog School coach

Please complete the form below and email us to help us understand your situation better. One of our booking team will then be in touch to talk through your dog’s needs further, find the best support pathway for them, and discuss how we may be able to offer financial help. Discounts include:

  • up to 75% discount for low-income households
  • 98% discount for dog owners in receipt of means-tested benefits.
  • 50% discount for owners of American Bully XL type dogs on our new online muzzle training 1-2-1 sessions
Finding behaviour and training support

Need help with your dog? Find out the difference between a trainer and behaviourist so you know who to approach.

How to understand your dog's body language

Take our quiz and learn how to read your dog's body language and understand how they're feeling.

Top 10 dog training tips

Are you about to start training your dog? Check out our top tips to ensure it is a success.