Research is an important part of our work - it helps us ensure that the work we do are based in evidence, and we are doing the best we can for the dogs.

How do we identify good scientific evidence?
In some areas, our work is informed by existing evidence which we evaluate by conducting a comprehensive systematic search of peer-reviewed journals, academic literature and other written work.
Dogs Trust staff also attend scientific conferences to ensure that we remain current, informed and aware of research developments within the field of canine behaviour, welfare, epidemiology, human behaviour change and veterinary science.
What if there is no evidence?
If the evidence that we need does not yet exist, we may set up a research study to investigate a specific question. All the research we do is to benefit the welfare of dogs, and we never undertake or fund any studies which are invasive or which may cause harm or distress to any dog.
Dogs Trust’s in-house research team works with other Dogs Trust departments to design and undertake research. The findings of which may be used to:
- Improve the physical and mental wellbeing of dogs within our Rehoming Centres.
- Help address dog behaviour issues, by assisting with the development of effective training programs, carried out within our Rehoming Centres or Dog School.
- Identify key drivers behind the successful rehoming of dogs, in order to ensure dogs are best matched to the new owners.
- Provide support to dog owners, within the wider community, in order to help cultivate harmonious and enjoyable dog-owner relationships.
- More effectively engage with the public, in order to promote responsible dog ownership and highlight the importance of dog welfare.
- Inform our discussions with government and policy makers about the implications of their decisions on the welfare of dogs and their owners.