Our policies

George border terrier relaxing at home on the floor.

Our policies outline how we operate as a charity. They set our approach to working with dogs and their owners, with partners and suppliers and how we treat our staff, volunteers and supporters.

Articles of association

Our articles of Association specifies our purpose and how we operate as an organisation. It outlines how tasks are to be accomplished, including the process of appointing directors and handling financial records.

pdf 274.2 KB
Articles of association

People policies

We aim to be a charity that is truly inclusive, with a diverse community of colleagues, volunteers, and supporters who feel that they belong.

Our people policies
Work for us

Our people policies

Data policies

We keep our promises, and that includes treating your personal information with care.

Our privacy policy

Our privacy policy

Our privacy policy


Dog policies

We’re often asked about our policies regarding taking dogs into our centres and finding them new forever homes, as well as our non-destruction policy.

Our non-destruction and intake policies
About us

Our non-destruction and intake policies

Our rehoming policy
About us

Our rehoming policy

Approach to fundraising

We couldn't do what we do for dogs without. Discover more about how we fundraise.

How we fundraise

How we fundraise

Environmental and sustainability

We are committed to reducing the impact of our activities on the environment as we understand that a successful future for our charity depends on the sustainability of the environment, communities, and economies in which we operate. 

pdf 254.2 KB
Environmental and sustainability policy

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Feedback and complaints

Amending your details or donations
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Amending your details or donations

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