Teach paws up to your dog
Our dogs love learning new tricks so why not teach yours how to put their paws up and strike a pose.

Paws up is a great game that teaches your dog to how to strike a pose for the camera and stand up proudly! Once they’ve learned this, you can play everywhere you go.
Just make sure you check the item you’re using is safe, sturdy and won’t slip or fall underneath your dog. Think plastic boxes, upturned washing-up bowls and large plant pots – or even sturdy fallen trees to liven up your daily exercise.
To get started with training this fun trick, you’ll need a sturdy box and some of your pup’s favourite treats.
Paws up training
Box for paws up
Place the sturdy item you want your dog to get their paws up on between you and them. Take a treat, and slowly lure them up onto the box. Mark and reward when they’re in the position you want them in! Then, repeat and reward.
Reward the paws up position
Use the same hand lure gesture, but without a treat in your hand this time. Be sure to mark and reward when they ’re in position.
Introduce verbal cues
Start to introduce your verbal cue – you could use the word ‘Up’ or ‘Pose’. Make sure to continue to praise, mark and reward with yummy treats.
Once they’ve mastered the ‘Up’, you’ll be photo-ready everywhere you go!
Still looking for extra training and tricks to teach your dog? Find out how you can train your dog to tidy up their own toys and keep your living room spick and span.