Treat your pup
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Dogs are our family, our best friends and vital to our wellbeing. That’s what hundreds of thousands of you told us in this year’s National Dog Survey.
With responses from over 400,000 people, this year’s survey was the biggest yet. 373,216 dog owners told us about 430,406 furry friends. And 33,002 dog lovers shared their views on dog welfare issues.
Answers to the survey will inform our work over the coming years, to help us be there for owners and their companions when they need us most. Keep reading to find out what we learnt about the nation’s dogs this year.
This year’s survey asked dog owners all about your dog’s behaviour and training. We asked how often your dog does certain things, like coming back when called and sleeping through the night.
You told us that:
On the other end of the scale:
We also asked which of these were a problem for you and your household. You told us that the most problematic behaviours were separation anxiety, lead walking and dog 'reactivity'.
From preparing for visitors to preparing for fireworks, we want to help you and your dog live happily together. We’ve got loads of advice to help you and your dog overcome unwanted behaviours.
If you need a helping paw, contact our free Behaviour Support Line for expert advice on any doggy dilemma.
training classes are fun to do with your dog.
The survey also showed that 76% of dogs show least one ‘undesirable’ behaviour, yet only 6.5% are attending training classes. We believe a dog is for life, and so is training! Regular reward-based training will keep your pup on point and is a brilliant way for you to bond.
For practical training to help you and your pooch understand each other better, check out Dog School. We run group classes and 1-2-1 sessions in 105 locations around the UK, plus training specifically for reactive dogs.
80% of dog owners said that they were confident in reading dog body language. But only 24% could consistently identify worried dog behaviours.
A third of people thought that a wagging tail always means a dog is happy. It might make us happy to see a wagging tail, but in truth, dogs wag their tails for all sorts of reasons. Tail movements are one of many signals a dog can use to communicate all sorts of feelings.
The most misinterpreted dog body language signal was a dog rolling onto their back. Many people think that this means a dog wants a belly rub. But sometimes, by rolling on to their side or back, a dog may be trying to show that they pose no threat. This body language is also known as an ‘appeasement roll’ and can be a way for a dog to say they’re nervous about a situation.
Dogs use their whole bodies to show each other, and us, how they’re feeling. Learning how your dog communicates can help you recognise when they’re worried or frightened, to help keep you and others safe. To brush up on your understanding, check out our guide on dog body language.
said they are confident reading dog body language
We heard from owners of an incredible range of breeds, proving we love our dogs in all shapes and sizes. The survey revealed that the nation’s favourite ‘breed’ is a marvellous mixture — over 40% of the UK’s dogs are crossbreeds.
When it comes to specific breeds, the nation loves Labradors. Over 30,000 Labrador Retrievers were accounted for the survey, making them the UK’s favourite specific breed of dog. By our estimations, this could mean there are a whopping one million Labradors in the UK.
Cocker Spaniels came in second, and Border Collies in third place.
Labrador Retriever, Cocker Spaniel & Border Collie
The nation’s favourite names this year were Poppy and Teddy. Poppy has held the most popular dog name in the country since the survey launched in 2021. Luna, Bella and Ruby also kept their places in the top five names for female dogs.
Teddy is a new front runner, appearing in the top three for male dog names for the first time. Alfie and Milo are still firm favourites, but previously popular Oscar didn’t even make the top 10 this year.
Top female dog names | Number of dogs | Top male dog names | Number of dogs | |
1 | Poppy | 5166 | Teddy | 3682 |
2 | Luna | 4837 | Alfie | 3635 |
3 | Bella | 4631 | Milo | 3574 |
4 | Daisy | 3769 | Buddy | 3368 |
5 | Ruby | 3462 | Charlie | 3160 |
6 | Lola | 3349 | Max | 3134 |
7 | Molly | 3294 | Bailey | 2429 |
8 | Rosie | 3228 | Barney | 2402 |
9 | Willow | 2995 | Archie | 2296 |
10 | Millie | 2385 | Monty | 2246 |
The survey shows that every pooch is unique, with their own personality and a wide variety of likes and dislikes. We asked about your dog’s defining characteristics and received a whole range of results. 52% of dogs were said to love treats, 36% have a passion for playing with toys, and 34% absolutely love to snooze.
The classic ball was voted top toy, with 58% of you saying it’s your dog’s favourite. But toys can’t float everyone’s boat. 9% of you reported that your dog isn’t too fussed by them.
Shop our wonderful range of toys, approved by dogs!
34% of dogs were said to love being active and 28% enjoy exploring new places. Our pooches’ passion for activity and adventure proved to have benefits for us too. 89% of you said that owning a dog makes you more active. And 58% of you told us that owning a dog reduces your social isolation.
say owning a dog makes them more active
Of dog owners, more than 98% of you told us you consider your dog part of your family. And nearly 9 in 10 of you described your dog as your best friend.
The results of the survey show that not only do we love our dogs, but they have a positive impact on our lives too. 98% of you told us that your dog makes you feel happy. 96% said that owning a dog is good for your mental health and 89% of you said that your dog provides emotional support. This reminds us just how important it is that dogs and their owners can stay together.
told us that their dog makes them feel happy
We asked about the dog welfare issues that matter most to you, so that we can make sure we’re there to help dogs where and when they need us most.
67% of you listed neglect or cruelty as your biggest worry for dogs. 51% said you were specifically concerned about puppy farming and the mass-scale breeding of puppies. 41% ranked responsible dog ownership as a significant issue, and raised the need for dog owners to be considerate of others in public spaces.
These insights are so important to inform our work, so that together we can take action to make the world a better place for dogs and those that love them.
said neglect or cruelty was their key concern
Your kind donations help us provide life changing care and forever homes for over 13,000 of our furry friends.
The National Dog Survey is the biggest nationwide survey of its kind exploring the issues impacting dog welfare.
This is the third survey we have run since 2021, asking dog owners everywhere all about their dogs. We asked about the highs and lows of dog ownership, what behaviour and wellbeing support owners need, and what dog welfare issues matter most.
If you completed the survey and chose to receive emails, we’ll keep you updated with the results. Even if you didn’t complete the survey, you can sign up to receive updates from us, hot off the press.
Thanks to dog lovers like you taking the survey in previous years, we’ve been able to see where our help is most needed. This year will be no different. We’ll use the results to shape our services and meet the needs of dogs and their owners across the UK.
Do the results reveal your pooch is a top dog breed or has the most popular name? Share the results and show you, like 9 out of 10 others, think your dog is your best friend!